This workshop will guide you through the different perspectives on the topic of nuclear waste, with a focus on what is currently being misunderstood by the different involved parties. After listening, we will try all together to find positive solutions and a way to make everybody feel heard.
The workshop will be in english
The workshop
will be
in English.
Listening Exercise / Constructive Criticism
Nancy Bellingan
Harsh Sharma
Divine Olisa Chigozie
Kubra Cakmak
Jesse-Garon Bex
Nuclear Wizards
zur Workshop-
The Nuclear Wizards
Foto: © David Gramatzki
Nuclear Wizards
Starting from the left:
Nabil Allam (current student at our master),
Hassan Mehedy (former student),
Nancy Bellingan (Research And Teaching Assistant at FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences),
Harsh Sharma (former student),
Divine Olisa Chigozie (current student, he will also join the Forum Zwischenlagerung next generation)